Five Foods to help with brain fog

Hi Loves,

Hope you are all doing amazing and area ready for the holiday season.

I know so many of us suffer from brain fog so that is why I feel it is important to discuss. A certain amount of memory issues can be age related, as our bodies age so do the blood vessels and brain cells, or neurons that our brain relies on to transmit information. They don’t communicate as well with each other, causing brain function to slow down a -bit. So it may take a little longer to recall information , learn something new, but there’s no reason to expect significant memory or cognitive decline as we age if we our taking good care of our bodies and brain health.

Hormones also play a factor in brain fog specially estrogen and progesterone which is why if you are a middle aged women you maybe dealing with this brain fog. During perimenopause the erratic fluctuations of estrogen and the decline of progesterone . Relying on verbal memory or recalling words becomes increasingly difficult as hormone levels decline into menopause. And other symptoms like hot flashes, insomnia , and night sweats end up leading to poor sleep which can also cause fuzzy thinking it can make it hard to focus, process new information and even feel mentally sharp at times.

The good news is Brain fog can be addressed by doing some natural things to help with it. Living a healthier lifestyle that continues to support hormone balance while doing things to keep your mind sharp will help clear brain fog. For instance cutting out gluten and dairy can help with brain fog as well as eating clean can help combat brain fog.

These five foods can help with brain fog as they have omega -3 fatty acids and flavonoids which is fantastic for both your brain and nervous system these foods are Chia seeds, Walnuts , Citrus fruits, Berries including cranberries, blueberries and strawberries, and also dark leafy greens including broccoli . So make sure you are eating these foods daily along with a more plant based lifestyle.

If you are a women in perimenopause or menopause looking to live a more holistic healthier lifestyle please reach out for a 30 min free discovery call to see if we can be of any assistance to make that goal happen .

Until next time Be Well


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