What supplements do you need to boost your Immune system

Hi Loves ,

Hope you’re all doing amazing and enjoying this fall weather!

Just wanted to share a few things to get you ready for the next few months with the weather getting colder and more colds and flu viruses coming around . Now is the time to start boosting your immune system. By taking your vitamin D3 at least 50 mcg to 125 mcg so that would be 2500IU or 5000IU daily specially during the winter months. As the sun changes in the northern hemisphere and is not as strong during the winter.

Its also great to stay up on your vitaminC as well during winter well really all year I try and take at least 1,000 mg a day and you really don’t want to exceed 2,000 mg a day as that is to much for your body and it won’t be absorbed.

Elderberry is another great herd to be taking to keep your immune system boosted and healthy. They even have elderberry tea that you can sip on during these winter months.

And as always most vitamins you can also get from eating a Whole Foods plant based diet. It is good to add these ones as well and to always make sure the supplements you are using are third party tested as not all supplements are created equal. As always if you a have questions please reach out to me on my website www.keyahholistichealth.com

And please always check with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplements.

Please reach out at WWW.KeyahHolisticHealth.com

Until next time Be Well


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