What Are Natural Flavors and are they good for you ?

Hi Loves hope you’r all having an amazing Summer as fall is just around the corner.

So lets talk about Natural Flavors you may see this on most ingredient labels even organic processed foods may use “natural flavors” when in all honesty they shouldn't ,like why can’t you just tell us what this so called natural flavor is. Adding these flavors can come artificially from cheap toxic ingredients like petroleum or can be made from anything in nature including animal parts!!!

Im going to give you some examples of what “natural flavors “ really are . For instance vanilla ice cream there could be a chance that they have added a natural flavor which could actually mean it’s secretions from beaver’s anal glands. Its called castoreum , this secretion is used as “natural flavors” not only in vanilla ice cream but also in strawberry oatmeal, and raspberry flavor products. Another example is what they put in chewing gum if it has lanolin in it that actually comes from an oily secretion in sheep’s whole.

These so called “natural flavors” are so far from natural that the next time you see that on a ingredient list you should just put that product right back on the shelf. They literally have no nutritional value what’s so ever.

Please take the steps to living a healthier lifestyle and don’t purchase these crap foods that have natural flavors ! Once you start reading food labels you will be shocked what kinda stuff these big food companies get away with putting into our foods. In other countries they don’t put have the toxic crap that are food companies get away with.

Now is the time to take your health into your own hands!! I’m here to help so please feel free to reach out! WWW.KeyahHolisticHealth.com

Until next time Be Well


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