How are you dealing with the Pandemic?

Hi Loves I just want to check in with you all and see how you been all handling the pandemic and give you a few easy tips to keep yourself grounded during these unsettling times. I know for my own sanity it is very helpful to go outside and connect with nature and be still and listen to what we need to be doing during these times. I know most of us are on other schedules and trying to juggle working from home and taking care of your families on a whole other level. That is why even taking the whole family out for a nature walk can really shift the energy. I also suggest saying mantras to keep your self stay grounded and focused on positive things coming instead of getting sucked into the energy of fear. One Mantra I like to use is everyday in every way Iā€™m Healthier and Healthier you can fill in whatever words resonate with you.

Hope this finds you all in good spirits until next time .


Eating what is in Season for the Summer


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